Premium Dating Agency
We help you find a woman you wish to marry
Why us?
  • We save your time
    We go through dozens of candidates to select the best one. You are presented few finalists to communicate with.
  • We guarantee privacy
    Your personal data and photos are secured and available only to your manager - there is no public profile. We provide an NDA for your safety.
  • We screen all the women
    We run background check: merriages, presence of children, social networks, escort affiliation.
Our clients
  • >300
    Women are in our database right now
  • only 10%
    Of them are included in our database after verification and interview.
  • 100%
    Satisfaction rate
How it works
Looking for a right match
We select candidates from our huge database according to specified criteria.
Selection and verification
We analyze all social networks and mentions on friends’ pages, conduct a personal interview and analyze phychological behavior.
Compiling a questionnaire
We check the authenticity of the photo and select only real photos without retouching or filters. We check for compliance with the girls’ goals and interests.

Presenting you
We'll present you the way you want. It's important for us to find a woman who is loyal and honest with you. To do this we keep your high status private in order to cut off those who only money oriented.
There are only mutually interested candidates and no time to waste.
Helping you to find a great match
And everything else is up to you...
The cost is from $2000
The cost of our services depends on many factors and is based on your individual request.
  • The following factors also affect the cost:
  • Age difference
  • Difference in social status
  • Requirements for a girl's appearance
  • Level of education and language knowledge
  • Deadlines
Frequently Asked Questions
Наши отзывы
Looking for a Russian girl for a long-term relationship
I’ll admit, I was a bit skeptical at first. I’d had my fair share of dating mishaps before, so wasn’t expecting much. But honestly, this agency was a game-changer! The team’s attention to detail and genuine care made all the difference—they really took the time to understand what I was after and helped me figure out what I was truly looking for in a partner. It felt more personal than just swiping through profiles. Long story short, thanks to them, I’ve found someone I genuinely connect with, and I couldn’t be happier. Cheers to the team for making it happen!
32 лет, встретила мужчину с одинаковыми интересами
Thanks to the Status agency team for helping me to arrange my life and meet my soul mate from the other side of the world. We have been dating for 3 month and I thank the fate that I came across your website in my recommendations. You truly heard my request and found the best man for me!
Maria Novikova
Met a millionaire
I am 39 years old and at some point in my life I became completely disillusioned with building a long term relationships. I even started to think that family was not for me. I decided to take the last chance and submitted an application. I went on three dates and after the last one I realized that this was the man I had been waiting for all these years. Thank you for living up to my hopes. You are doing a good job!
Our team
  • Maria
    Co-founder, HR Director
    The founder of the largest recruitment agency in Russia and the CIS countries. Conducted about 100 000 interviews. She has worked with the largest customers in Russian Federation, has a huge team and is responsible for selecting and screening candidates.
  • Anastasia
    Co-founder, Client Relations Director
    A specialist in design and marketing. Worked in a huge Russian corporation in a leading position. Speaks perfect English, studied in Germany and lived in Asian countries for more than 2 years. Responsible for communication with English-speaking clients.
  • Christine
    Co-founder, Finance Director
    Owner of her own outsourcing agency in the field of finance and taxation. Has extensive experience in the field of communication and negotiations. Responsible for the financial sector and documents.
WhatsApp: +66950207305